
Tools module contain assortment of tools that are generally useful in writing problem solvers.


unify tries to unify an assertion with a pattern, while capturing joker and wildcard values. If unification is successful, a dictionary containing captured variables is returned. If unification failed, None is returned instead.

Interface (unify [assertion pattern bindings unique-symbols])

  • assertion s-expression
  • pattern pattern as s-expression, may contain ?x and *x
  • bindings dictionary containing predefined values for variables
  • unique-symbols tuple of tuples defining variables that should be unique
=> (unify '(Hello World) '(Hi there, ?x) {} (,))

=> (unify '(Hello World) '(Hello ?x) {} (,))
{'?x 'World}

=> (unify '(Hello Charlie Brown) '(Hello *x) {} (,))
{'*x '(Charlie Brown)}

=> (unify '(foo bar baz) '(?x bar ?y) {} (,))
{'?x 'foo '?y baz}

=> (unify '(foo bar foo) '(?x bar ?y) {} (,))
{'?x 'foo '?y foo}

=> (unify '(foo bar foo) '(?x bar ?y) {} (, (, '?x '?y)))


fill-assertion replaces variables in assertion with their respective values from supplied bindings.

Interface (fill-assertion [assertion bindings])

  • assertion s-expression containing ?x and *x variables
  • bindings dictionary containing variables and their values
=> (fill-assertion '(Hello ?x) {'?x 'World})
'(Hello World)